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Creators I Love Right Now

I’m in a phase of using social media right now where I literally go on IG or TikTok to look at maybe 4 accounts, and that’s all. The rest of my feed that is filled with wedding content, engagement news, and vacations to Italy, honestly bore me at this point. Sometimes, I still post the occasional story to show the world that I’m still alive, but the days of stalking IG stories, feeling any sort of FOMO over the lives of others, or cyber-stalking the girl next door are long over. Mainly, I believe this is because I’ve muted 80% of the people I follow to streamline how often I was opening IG, and now there aren’t even that many updates to see.

My social media usage these days looks something like this: open app, check DMs, search for my current hyper-fixations, and consume their content while sweating my ass off on the stairmaster. I try to only scroll on my phone while at the gym, walking on my walking pad, or doing something else that should be rewarded. There is (of course) the typical in-line-at-a-coffee-shop, brushing-my-teeth, boiling-water, about-to-go-to-bed doom scroll but I AM A HUMAN so…

Right now, the 4 creators I can’t get enough of are:

Emma Chamberlain - I love listening to the solo episodes on her podcast. It’s fascinating to follow someone’s stream of thoughts and watch their ideas develop from thin air. Emma doesn’t prepare too much for her episodes, so they’re usually a casual stream of thought about her opinion on a certain topic. They’re usually topics I’d want to talk about, too, like “what makes someone stylish” or “self-discipline”. Listening to an episode of Emma gives me the same refreshed feeling you’d get after having lunch with a friend, minus all the effort of having to actually get dressed and go somewhere.

Glow With Ella - Ella is someone who just popped up on my explore feed one day with her recipes, and I’ve been hooked on her account ever since. She shares mostly healthy recipes on her IG, but I became a real fan when I subscribed to her newsletter. This girl is me on steroids when it comes to her matcha, farmer’s market, and tomato obsession. I love her recipes, that she’s usually making these videos wearing no makeup and a baggy t-shirt, and that she seems just to be doing her thing and bringing us along with her. She just graduated from college, so when she writes about how she’s feeling with her general life, I can definitely relate. I think it’s cool that she’s working a full-time job and showing us this on the side. I’m allllll for a health-obsessed corporate girlie.

Greta Rolli - This girl came out of nowhere on TikTok and my algorithm really knows me to a tee. She’s 25 years old, living in NYC, and planning her wedding in Sintra to her Portuguese pilot boyfriend. This girl is winning. Apart from the fact that she was born into wealth, she seems very down-to-earth and honest about what she’s getting done, where she’s going, and what she likes. I really love her breakdowns on wedding trends and the behind-the-scenes looks at what she’s doing for her wedding. When you get past the glitz and glamour of her NYC life, you also can see she’s just a normal 25-year-old who’s obsessed with Lana del Rey and vacationing in Europe.

Danielle Estrada - I am genuinely just obsessed with this girl’s face and her makeup skills. I want to recreate every single look that she does, and I think she nails “clean girl going out” makeup. I mean, it’s also probably that she starts out with a flawless baseline and doesn’t need makeup in the first place, but I also really like that she strikes the right balance of “do-able” without going over the top with her looks. Even her more glamorous ideas seem to be very recreateable.

Keltie O’Connor - Another wellness/ fitness/health-obsessed girl to add into the mix (can you see a trend here?) I love Keltie’s challenge videos, where she’ll try a specific workout or wellness trend for a month. I have the utmost respect for anyone who does 30 days of cold showers or wakes up at 5am every day for a week. She talks just as fast as me, with a Lululemon obsession to match. I watch her videos a lot at the gym when I need an extra spurt of motivation to get through my cardio. Alex and I originally discovered Keltie when she was doing a 1-year run streak. While a lot of her videos seem extreme, she always comes to the same conclusion: fitness and wellness are only worth it if you can do it for the long run, so don’t try to do things every single day because you’ll burn out. Even though we all know the wholesome ending of her videos, it’s fun to watch her go through these experiments and live vicariously through her!

I used to be obsessed with Melissa Wood Health, but her return to the party life, new-money wardrobe, and over-the-top laugh has turned me off a tiny bit. I still love her workouts and the lifestyle she sells, but I fail to see the connection between the life she’s living and the lifestyle she promotes.

Next month, I’ll likely be obsessed with someone new, but that’s the fun of it! I always feel like these people are my friends and that if we met up in real life, we’d actually get along really well. I also know this is all social media, and I probably only know 1% of what they’re all really like, but checking in with them gives me that lil' endorphin rush I need sometimes.


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